• Address:

    Pintar Africa Research & Consulting Ltd.

    Blessed House | Nairobi, Kenya

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As Pintar Africa we invest time in our clients as we find solutions to problems within our scope of services. Over time we have developed creative methods, tools and techniques that enable us to achieve practical, contextual and sustainable information solutions that go beyond the conventional social and market surveys.

Social Science Studies

• Baseline surveys
• Public policy research & analysis
• Pre-intervention & post-intervention studies
• Impact assessment, monitoring & evaluation
• Opinion & perception surveys
• KAP (Knowledge Attitude & Perception studies)
• Behavioral & Attitude change studies

Data Management

• Development of data collection tools
• Data collection
• Data cleaning and verification, entry, analysis, reporting and presentation
• Database management

Business & Market Research

• Business intelligence analysis
• Loyalty surveys – mystery shopping, exist surveys
• Brand surveys – equity, image, awareness, switching
• Product development – pricing, concept evaluation, packaging tests
• Market feasibility studies

Grants, Proposals & Resource mobilization

• Concept development
• Proposal writing
• Budgeting & costing

Rappourteuring & Editorials

• Session recording & note taking
• Report writing & compilation

Human resource training & research

• Performance Management & Appraisal
• Employee Learning & Development
• Employee Satisfaction Surveys
• Work Environment Evaluation
• Training Needs Assessment

Public Relations

• Media content & Value evaluation
• Communication & Engagement
• Digital Media Strategy

You can also send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or Call us


As Pintar Africa we invest time in our clients as we find solutions to problems within our scope of services.